Since 2011, the Alumni Association of the Vienna School of International Studies has been awarding up to five students with club.da Scholarships annually. With this initiative, club.da members are proud to support the next generation of DA students and to make sure that they receive the same excellent academic education, which our alumni themselves enjoyed and enabled them to start their successful careers.

club.da Scholarships are open to first-year students enrolled in the DA’s Master of Advanced International Studies (MAIS), Master of Science in Environmental Technology and International Affairs (ETIA) as well as the Diploma Programme (DLG). Every December, the Club's board thoroughly reviews all applications and selects four to five scholarship winners. So far, club.da has awarded scholarships in the amount of EUR 106,000 to 49 students (34 female, 15 male) from 25 countries.

Click on the names below to get to know our scholarship awardees.

club.da Scholarship awardees 2023-24
ClubDA Scholarship awardees 2022-23
ClubDA Scholarship awardees 2021-22
ClubDA Scholarship Awardees 2020-21
ClubDA Scholarship Awardees 2019-20