club.da's History and evolution

Founded in 1969 by alumni of its first two Diploma Programmes and graduates of the former Consular Academy, club.da is one of the oldest alumni associations in Austria.

Now home to more than 1,800 members around the world, club.da has evolved over the years. Initially solely based in Vienna, a group of DA alumni in Berlin organised their first alumni meeting abroad in 2004. It took five more years for the Club's local chapter strategy to be implemented. Since then, the Club maintained up to 23 local chapters in the Americas, Asia and Europe. For more information on club.da's local chapters, please visit

Besides organising 40+ events per year, providing its members and DA students with the networking and career platform da.connect and supporting the career services programme, it is club.da's main goal to enable the next generation of DA students to receive the same high-quality education its alumni have benefitted from since 1964. Hence, club.da has been awarding scholarships in the total amount of EUR 96,000 to 30 female and 14 male students from 23 countries since 2011. We invite you to support us on our #Roadto100K with your membership fees and additional donations. More information is available at

Presidents of club.da

since 2024 Oliver Authried (MSc ETIA programme 07)
2020-2024 David Lansky (MAIS programme 19)
2010-2020 Oliver Kitz (Diploma Programme 19)
2003-2010 Gerhard Reiweger (Diploma Programme 20)
2000-2003 Michael Reinprecht (Diploma Programme 20)
1990-2000 Franz Fleischmann (Diploma Programme 8)
1989-1990 Ernst Porpaczy (Diploma Programme 1)
1988-1989 Günther Gallowitsch (Diploma Programme 4)
1985-1988 Robert Karas (Diploma Programme 1)
1981-1985 Ernst Porpaczy (Diploma Programme 1)
1979-1981 Barbara Abele-Emich (Diploma Programme 1)
1978-1979 Winfried Lang (Diploma Programme 1)
1972-1978 Wilfried Platzer (Konsularakademie)
1969-1972 Kurt Waldheim (Konsularakademie)

The club.da Board
at a glance


Vice President
Brigitta BLAHA (DLG 13)

Vice President
David LANSKY (MAIS 19)

Andreas LERNHART (DLG 22)

Deputy Treasurer
Roger HILTON (MAIS 19)


Deputy Secretary

Download the full list of board members, auditors, election committee and advisory council