The Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies is one of the most important event centres for lectures, conferences and discussions on current topics and developments in the fields of politics, international relations, economics and culture in Vienna.

To add to the DA’s extensive event schedule, club.da is proud to host its own series of talks, fireside chats, book presentations and panel discussions featuring DA alumni as well as practitioners and experts from a variety of different fields both in Vienna and abroad. Some of these events are broadcast live and their recordings are available here.

For more recordings, check out our YouTube playlist. Follow our public events online

Ukraine's 10 Point Peace Formula: Power or Powerless?

Panel discussion
June 2024

Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress

International Women's Day
March 2024

"Unbequem - Für Menschenwürde"

June 2024

The Next Pandemic? Disinformation and Fake News

World Press Freedom Day
May 2023

Challenges for Journalists in Conflict Zones

World Press Freedom Day
April 2024

The Role of Women in Global Crises

International Women's Day
March 2023

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