From DLG to Promoting Human Rights

DA alumnus Philipp Harnik on his career since graduating from DLG 57 in 2021

Philipp HARNIK (© Martin Krachler MQ)Following graduation, after a stint at UN-Migration, I took up a position as Programme Officer at the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, where I work on fostering the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement—two areas very dear to my heart. Working with young changemakers in the fields of climate adaptation, transformative education, and women’s empowerment, and seeing their ideas and efforts for a better future come to fruition, is rewarding and inspiring on both a professional and personal level.

What attracted me to the Ban Ki-moon Centre is its mandate towards Global Citizenship: while we may hail from different nations, follow different religions, and speak different languages, we all share the same planet we call home. In this sense, we are all united in our fight against climate change, extremism, and inequality and towards inclusivity, empowerment, and mutual understanding.

[June 2024]